Sunday, July 18, 2010

Watch Online Fresh News:Jessie Slaughter abuses no more!Videos.

Jessie Slaughter abuses no more!


Jessi Slaughter , Kerligirl13 , Encyclopedia Dramatica , 4chan, kerligirl13, Jessie Slaughter, odd-news, Los Angeles, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology, Jessie, Phencyclidine, Piperidines,

Jessi Slaughter, real name Jessica Leonhardt, is/was some camwhore drama-junkie, typically posting shit that most /b/tards couldn’t be bothered with, when the following went down.
tumblr gained interest when an anon posted a “you rage, you lose” thread with one of her videos. Evidently, she also got molested by someone from a band you’ve never heard of. You should also know that she’s nine eleven fourteen eleven years old.
In her video, she trolls her haters by saying that she’s better than you, has more friends, and that you should get aids, then put a glock in their mouth and make a brain slushie. While most people agree that /b/ is not anyone’s personal army, tumblr took action and trolled the comments of said video. And thus, the Epic of Jessie Slaughter was born.

Detail About Jesse Slaughter.
Today's trends include some strange entries indeed as one of them is about this 11 year old girl who has a mouth that no parent would be proud of. The trend in question is the 'Jessie Slaughter given PCP by her father' and its about Jessie Slaughter who goes by the nick name of Kerligirl13 on YouTube with a channel of her own.
Jessie, or Kerli - whatever that may mean - had been keeping herself busy by posting videos on YouTube which were as foul as foul can get. She would rant and rave about everything she could possibly find to talk about. The more abusive the videos got the more response she got from weirdos who would find the time in their day to reply to her videos with hate mail. Perhaps this whole Jessie Slaughter incident has been inspired by Kat Stacks, the famous groupie who would rat on the celebrities that she toured and had intercourses with.
PCP, in case you might be wondering, is Personal Computer Protection and when we hear the 'Jessie Slaughter given PCP by her father' reports we come across a man who wants to protect her daughter from these hate mails and threats but more importantly we see a parent who is ready to overlook all the foul things that she has been saying.
Her channel has officially been closed and computer is now officially protected though I don't see why someone would deliberately put themselves through all this.

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