Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Watch Online Superhit Hollywood Romantic Movie Easier with Practice 2010 Trailer Download Free Review Cast and Crew & Photos

Easier with Practice English
Romantic Movie 2010

Cast And Crew
Cast : Brian Geraghty,Kel O'Neill,Marguerite Moreau,Jeanette Brox,Jenna Gavigan,Katie Aselton,Lucas CorVatta,Jamie Haqqani,Emelie O'Hara,Lauren Petzke,Allison Hensel
Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez
Writers: Kyle Patrick Alvarez ,Davy Rothbart (story)
Producer : Cookie Carosella,David Melito
Cinematography : David Rush Morrison
Film Editing : Fernando Collins
Music Department : Greg Chun,Kaplan
Runtime: USA:100 min
Genre: Dramas

Romantic movie Comedy Movie movie story movie review online movie trailer Hollywood movie online movie

Easier with Practice English Hollywood Film.The film Directed by Kyle Patrick Alvarez .

Easier with Practice English Film Plot::
In an effort to promote his unpublished novel, Davy Mitchell sets out on a road trip with his younger brother. However, the idealism of being on the road wears off and it quickly proves to be a lonely and unfulfilling experience for Davy. One night in a motel room he gets a random phone call from a mysterious woman named Nicole. They start a funny and intimate long distance relationship that leaves Davy happier than he has been in years. Hoping there is more to the relationship then a voice and a phone bill, Davy decides he wants to meet Nicole. Ultimately, he will have to face not only the truth about their relationship but also about himself.

Easier with Practice Hollywood film Review :

It's hard to classify 'Easier with Practice'. The film fits rather perfectly into the overall 'indie' category but beyond that, it's more an amalgam of genres. 'Practice' is a bit of a buddy picture as the two main characters are brothers who go on the road for over half of the film's screen time. But it's also a mystery, with a welcome 'twist' ending.
Davy Mitchell (Brian Geraghty) has gone on the road to publicize his unpublished collection of short stories at various bookstores and college campuses around the country. Accompanying him is his brother, Sean, who's chief goal during this trip is to pick up girls. One night at their motel room, while Sean is outside, Davy gets a random phone call from a woman with a sexy voice who identifies herself as 'Nicole'; they immediately start having phone sex together, with a long-winded scene of Davy masturbating as Nicole arouses him.
The phone sex continues throughout Davy's book tour but the aspiring writer begins having more extended conversations with Nicole and he soon finds himself falling in love with her. Nicole refuses, however, to give Davy her own number so he must always wait for her call. Meanwhile, Sean eventually finds out about the mysterious caller and mocks his brother for his obsession.

The two finally return home where we learn that Davy supports himself as a temp worker but right now can't find employment. Sean and his girlfriend invite Davy over to a party where he runs into Samantha, a woman who he had a brief fling with some time ago. Davy begins dating Samantha after Nicole stops calling him. Apparently, Nicole would not give in to Davy's demand to see him in person. After Davy doesn't hear from Nicole for weeks he becomes depressed and realizes that he has no desire to reciprocate Samantha's affection.

Finally, Nicole calls back and they agree to meet. Davy purchases a plane ticket and flies to the city where Nicole lives. She initially cancels a dinner date but then agrees to see Davy the next day at a chain restaurant in the afternoon. I won't give away the surprise ending but Nicole doesn't turn out to be who Davy thinks she is.
'Easier with Practice' is a very slow-paced film. The many scenes where Davy is on the phone with Nicole are static from a visual standpoint. Nonetheless, first time writer/director Kyle Patrick Alvarez manages to convey the loneliness of the depressed writer through a series of evocative visual images throughout the film.

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