Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Headless Woman online Hollywood movie download reviews The Headless Womanfree watch trailer cast

The Headless Woman English Movie

Cast And Crew

08/19/2009 - NY
1 hr. 27 min.
(NR )
María Onetto, Claudia Cantero, Inés Efron
Daniel Genoud, Guillermo Arengo
Lucrecia Marte
Miguel Schverdfinger
Lucrecia Martel
STUDIO:Strand Releasing


Mirroring the current class struggle in Argentina, The Headless Woman is an elliptical psychological drama about guilt, personal responsibility, and self-deception. Searching for her ringing cell phone, affluent dentist Vero hits something in the road. Is it a dog? A person? She cannot bring herself to look at or report the incident. Part of writer-director Lucrecia Martel’s unique formal style is to follow character relationships that are established with fleeting lines of dialogue, to infer off-screen space through sound, and to question the limits of their own perception. Martel’s style proves particularly well-suited to a film built around a protagonist who’s suffering from something resembling amnesia. Like Vero, we are never quite certain who people are or how the images we see relate to everything we have seen before. As in her previous oblique but mesmerizing studies of family life in fetid, hothouse atmospheres, the aural frequently takes the place of the visual in dramatizing plot or creating a fully realized sense of place. Although none of Vero’s friends are particularly interested in her dilemma, when evidence emerges that she really may have killed something or someone, the men in her life move to protect her secret.

Una mujer maneja por la ruta. En una distracción atropella algo. Los días siguientes a este incidente, ella no reconoce los sentimientos que la unen a las cosas y a las personas. Sólo se deja llevar por la vida social. Una noche ella dice a su marido que ha matado a alguien en la ruta. Recorren la ruta pero sólo hay un perro muerto, y amigos allegados a la policía confirman que no hay información de un accidente. Todo vuelve a la calma y el mal momento parece superado, hasta que la noticia de un macabro hallazgo preocupa nuevamente a todos.

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