Exorcist II: The Heretics English Horror movie 2009
Cast And Crew
Starring :Louise Fletcher , James Earl Jones ,
Max Von Sydow , Richard Burton , Linda Blair
Director: John Boorman
Producers: John Boorman, Richard Lederer
Music Director: Ennio Morricone
Genre: Horror
Language: English
Release Date: 10/9/2009
The Story And ReViews About The Film
Exorcist II: The Heretic the sequel to the 1973 film The Exorcist. Dr. Gene Tuskin works with troubled children, perhaps none more troubled than Regan MacNeil, who suffers from bad dreams and repressed memories. The memories she represses are of the time she was possessed by a demon.
Dr. Tuskin's invention, a device that hypnotizes two persons and links their minds together, reveals that the demon, named Pazuzu, still lurks within her. It is desperate to emerge again and wreak havoc. Meanwhile, Father Philip Lamont is ordered by his cardinal to investigate the death of Father Merrin, the priest who died while performing an exorcism on Regan.
Father Lamont undertakes his task reluctantly. He feels unworthy of his assignment. He also feels that Evil is literally an entity and that this entity is winning the battle over Good. His investigation takes him to Africa where he locates another recipient of Merrin's exorcising and learns something fascinating and terrible about locusts
After The Exorcist, with its genuinely shocking material (back in 1973, at least), there really wasn't anywhere to go. And no sequel was attempted for another four years, until 1977's The Exorcist 2: The Heretic. And while Exorcist 1 was a scorcher, this one's a stinker.
We meet Regan (Linda Blair, now a filled-out young teenager) only semi-aware of the horror who'd taken possession of her innocent body when she was just 12. She is living proof of the old maxim 'what you don't know won't hurt you', because her travelling mum has left her in the clutches of crazy psychiatrist (there's a tautology for you!) Dr Gene Tuskin (Louise Fletcher). And the mad doctor wants her to remember...
Sure enough, Dr Gene succeeds in re-awakening the horror. Only the heretical Catholic priest Father Lamont (Richard Burton) can stand between little Linda and the demon.
Now this movie does have some genuinely good actors. Linda Blair does a pretty good job reprising her earlier role, and Richard Burton, James Earl Jones as an African scientist and deep demon-enemy, and Max von Sydow are no slouches in the acting stakes. And all of those actors are able to put in patches of competent work.
But the script is so laughable, with the plot based on an unbelievable science-fiction premise which would not have been out of place in a 'Thrilling Wonder Stories' magazine of the 1920s, and the direction is so risible, with John Boorman showing himself to be totally out of his shallow depth, that the story never takes wing. There are some good special effects, but they're placed in a context which makes them just plain humorous.
Much of the time James Earl Jones seems to be about to burst into laughter while essaying his role. And Richard Burton, while good in patches, does sleep-walk much of the time, reading his lines in a broken fashion as if he was a victim of a Haiitian witch-doctor.
John Boohrman can't take all of the credit for making this movie such a dog. Louise Fletcher as the deranged psychiatrist Dr Tuskin is totally appalling. Now, she has acting credits a metre long, including an acclaimed appearance as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. But if you were to judge her by this performance, you'd swear she'd never acted before, and would never act again. As an actress, she'd make a great picket-fence.
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Not even the sight of Paul Henreid as Father Lamont's Cardinal can make up for Louise Fletcher's presence. She, not Regan, should have been exorcised on the spot. But I fear not even that would have saved this movie - though I've got to confess I found it pretty amusing at times, with a few scenes I will always treasure
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