Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 12:47 [IST]
actor charlie sheen, two and a half men, restart production, cbs boss les moonves, charlie sheen coming back, hit tv sitcom, warner bros television, chuck lorre, cbs, warner bros tv honchos

It is reported that Les Moonves is trying to rebuild the bridges burned between the ranting actor and the California-based program staff. "Moonves wants to get the show back on the air. He's all for it. He says certain people need to forget anything and everything Charlie's done recently and just move on with the business at hand," Fox News quoted a source as saying.
However, the biggest problem in bring Charlie Sheen back on the show is his enmity and tirade against Chuck Lorre. "The core issue is, as he put it, the volatile relationship between Charlie Sheen and Chuck Lorre. He believes that if CBS and Warner Bros. TV honchos can find a way to get Chuck and Charlie to speak again, cooler heads will prevail,” sources added.
However, it should be recalled here that in an interview with a TV, actor Charlie Sheen had said that he would not beg the bosses of the show to give his job back. Rather he would make them come back to him requesting to comeback on the show. He seems to have really done it.
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