Monday, April 18, 2011, 16:02 [IST]
director todd phillips, monkey cocaine addict, director confirmation, movie the hangover part ii, animal lovers wrath, comedy maker, peta todd phillips press meet

In an interview with Total Film Magazine, Todd Phillips had said that he wanted the monkey to smoke. So he had to train her. But the monkey would not stop smoking. He had added, "Now, I have PETA after me because the monkey's become addicted to cigarettes."
After he came to know about the anger of the animal lovers, the director has reportedly sent a statement to defend his previous statement. Phillips says that press meets will always have repetitive questions, which make it boring. He says, “Sometimes I like to mix it up with the journalists. Obviously, the monkey in the film never smoked a single cigarette. Even if I wanted her to smoke it wouldn't be allowed."
Meanwhile, Phillips has also revealed that there will also be a scene in the movie Hangover Part II, where the primate is doing cocaine. But he has confirmed that she also did not do cocaine. "By the way, she also appears to do cocaine in the movie, but I guarantee you that she didn't do that either," Phillips said.
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