Friday, March 25, 2011, 12:07 [IST]
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But, Elizabeth Taylor family did not want media attention towards her funeral. And she had adopted Jewish faith in 1959 and it demanded speedy burial. So they held her burial yesterday in a small private ceremony on a quiet hill outside Los Angeles. This short and private funeral service was reportedly attended by a few dozen family, close friends and fans.
"As a convoy of five black stretch limos swept the mourners through the main entrance of the Forest Lawns Memorial Park cemetery in Glendale, they were watched at a respectful distance by a phalanx of the world’s media - including circling helicopters - but only a handful of fans," reports the Daily Mail.
I am so sad to learn this morning of the passing of legendary actress, Elizabeth Taylor. She was a wonderful friend to the Gay community, and a tireless supporter of HIV and AIDS related causes. She single handedly helped to raise multiplied millions for these causes. With a heavy heart we bid farewell to an American icon and a friend to all. God bless her soul.
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