Män som hatar kvinnor (Millennium: Mężczyźni, którzy) Polish Mystery Movie 2009
Cast And Crew
Cast : Peter Haber , Michael Nyqvist ,Noomi Rapace ,
Marika Lagercrantz ,Lena Endre ,David Dencik ,Sven-Bertil Taube ,
Björn Granath ,Björn Granath ,Annika Hallin
Director: Niels Arden Oplev
Writers: Nikolaj Arcel (screenplay) ,Rasmus Heisterberg
Release Date: 5 November 2009
Genre: Crime | Mystery | Thriller
Country: Poland | Sweden | Denmark | Germany
Language: Polish
Plot Summary;
Swedish thriller based on Stieg Larsson's novel about a journalist and a young female hacker .Watch online Movie Trailer free Män som hatar kvinnor (Millennium: Mężczyźni, którzy) Polish Hollywood film.The film Directed by Niels Arden Oplev.
Män som hatar kvinnor English Film Synopsis
In the opening of the movie, Mikael Blomkvist, a middle-aged publisher for the magazine Millennium, loses a libel case brought by corrupt Swedish industrialist Hans-Erik Wennerström. Nevertheless, he is hired by Henrik Vanger, the aged former CEO of a group of companies owned by a wealthy dynasty, in order to solve a cold case - the disappearance, some forty years previously, of Vanger's niece when she was sixteen. Lisbeth Salander is a punk computer hacker.
Due to problems in her youth she has a curator controlling her money.
She needs a new Computer, but in order to get it he forces her to have sex with him repeatedly, and with increasing brutality; he threatens to get her into trouble if she tells on him. However,

The Story;
The 16-year old girl Harriet Vanger disappeared without a trace, on September 29th 1966. Nearly forty years later a journalist by the name of Mikael Blomqvist gets an unusual assignment. Hes contacted by the industrial leader Henrik Vanger, who wants him to write the history of the Vanger family. The family chronicle is just a cover for the real assignment: to find out about what really happened to Harriet. Mikael who recently been indicted and convicted on counts of slander, feels that he need a break from his job on the Millennium magazine take on the job. He gets help from the young and troubled computer hacker Lisbeth Salander. Together the odd couple starts to dig in the past of the Vanger family and meet a darker and bloodier history than the ever could have imagined.
Män som hatar kvinnor Polish Movie Review :
The music lends a threatening aspect to the opening scene, where we in slow close ups – on and off deliberately out of focus – get to follow the opening of a package. Inside the package, post marked in Hong Kong, is a framed plant. The camera starts to move backwards, taking in more of the room and revealing Sven-Bertil Taube as the opener of the package. He holds the frame in his hands, lowers his head and slowly starts to cry.

Niels Arden Oplevs Män som hatar kvinnor is based on the first of Stieg Larssons three bestselling novels, meaning of course that it is basically guaranteed large box office numbers – but the expectations will probably match those numbers. Weatherthe film manages to live up to these expectations I cannot say – seeing as I am one of the probably only eight people who has not read Stieg Larssons books. But as a piece of cinema, completely removed from its literary origins, it definitely leaves an impression!
The music mentioned above, written by Peter Fuchs, is the first thing to register in the mind as something interesting… Something that make everything feel very serious. The impending-doom-score composed by Howard Shore, for David Finchers Se7en, springs to mind – and this only a few seconds intothe film.
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